Special Program by Gender Equality Promotion Committee
"Life and Work Balance"
- Date and timeF
- 12:00-13:00
Thursday, July 30th, 2015 - Venue:
- No 10 Hall (Room 3B Kobe International Conference Center)
Mentoring and networking are important for success in science. In Neuroscience 2015, experienced neuroscientists will be on hand to offer mentoring on various topics at round-table over beverages and refreshments. With support from the Japan Neuroscience Society, the committee provides this opportunity to promote "Gender Equality" on this occasion as well as free refreshments to enjoy a talk more.
First, we are given the example case of a senior researcher as a role model, after that we are divided into a small group with a committee member to discuss the matter(s).
We invite a lecture, Hideaki Takeuchi, associate professor at Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology Okayama University.
"About ten years have passed since we got married. For more than half of our married life we've been living separately, because we place priority on our research career. Usually my weekends are spent with my family, nurturing our 4-year-old daughter. I would like to talk about my mindset of the way we make work and family balance. "
Tentative topics include gwork-life balanceh, gsecuring grantsh, gstudying and doing a postdoc abroadh, ghow to get an independent academic positionh, gdual-career couple issueh, gfixed-term positionsh, gforeign researchers working in Japanh, etc. If you have another topic to discuss, we will put it on the agenda.
If your group has English speakers, then you would use English if necessary.
Lunch is available for \864.-(tax include) or you are allowed to bring your own lunch. Please feel free to join this session. You are all welcome.
*Closing date for application: July 2nd (Thu.) 17th (Fri.)
*Advance registrations are required. Lunch box will be delivered at a cost of 864 yen (tax included).
*A maximum of 40 participants.
The email address for the advanced registration: staff@neuroscience2015.jnss.org
Please provide the following information to the contact address.
*Closing date for application:@July 2nd iTus.j
- Name
- Affiliation
- E-mail address
- Telephone number
- Topic(s) you would like to discuss in the roundtable
- Name of any particular mentor you would like to talk with
- Lunch box ( If you need, please mention it)
Yukari Ohki (Kyorin University)
Scheduled participants
Yumiko Yoshimura (National Institute for Physiological Sciences)
Noriko Osumi (Tohoku University)
Azusa Kamikouchi (Nagoya University)
Sayaka Sugiyama (Niigata University)
Wen-Jie Song (Kumamoto University)
Hideaki Takeuchi (Okayama University)
Makoto Tominaga (National Institute for Physiological Sciences)
Mayumi Nishi (Nara Medical University)
Mariko Miyata (Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Medicine)
Sumiko Mochida (Tokyo Medical University)
For further information regarding this event, please contact to;
Yukari Ohki: ohkiy@ks.kyorin-u.ac.jp